Customer Insights Assistant at BOQ Group
Bachelor of Business at QUT (Queensland University of Technology)
6.00 AM
What’s that noise? My alarm blares, trying to coax me into the land of the living, but the warmth of my bed pulls me back in. The snooze button is hit, and I succumb to just a little more precious sleep.
6.10 AM
Okay, I need to get up for real this time. Upon exiting my door, my cat bombards me, demanding pats. Naturally, I oblige. Unfortunately, this is short-lived as I explain to him that I need to get ready for work. I’ve committed to being in the office today – it’s ‘Together Tuesday’ after all – everyone will be in.
6.25 AM
My tactical retreat makes me realise what the time is, and I make my morning iced chai with oat milk (yes, I’m one of those people). To help wake me up and get ready for the day ahead I put on some energetic music. However, it can’t be too loud otherwise I’ll have some very grumpy siblings to answer.
6.30 AM
After debating with myself whether I make or buy my lunch, I prepare a wrap (got to stick to my saving goals) and begin to cook up some breakfast.
6.55 AM
Oops, time is flying by this morning! I need to get moving if I want to catch my bus on time. But my cat looks so cute. A picture is required. Success! Now, I have to move. I thank my past self for organising my work outfit last night – it makes my morning so much easier.
7.15 AM
Wasn’t sure if I was going to make it in time but we did it! Bus boarded. During my commute, I book a dance class for tonight.
8.05 AM
Pulling up at the bus stop, I have made it to work! Side eye to anyone that doesn’t thank the bus driver, they deserve to be appreciated for all the hard work they do.
Using a pass to scan into the building, I head up to my level. I put my lunch in the communal fridges and ensure to fill up my water bottle – hydration is very important.
8.15 AM
Heading into the office space, I choose my desk for the day. As we have hot desks, the specific location you work at can change from day to day, which I think is cool. Personally, I enjoy using 3 screens, it’s great for productivity when working off multiple different documents. After setting up my space I check my emails for any news or new tasks I need to complete as well as catch up on any Teams messages. Now I can plan out my day. I reflect on what I last completed and determine my priorities. Usually, I organise my diary by dividing it into events and tasks for the day. Making sure everything is neat helps me to visualise and organise everything.
8.45 AM
Time for a coffee trip with the surrounding BMC team. Everyone catches up about their weekends on the walk. I particularly enjoy seeing all the dogs around the area.
9.00 AM
I have a meeting with my manager to discuss life updates, check-in with my current tasks, and discuss what I’ll be working on for the next couple of days. Today, I was told my dates for a CareerTrackers Winter Internship at BOQ were finalised! CareerTrackers partners with BOQ to support Indigenous university students, like me, by providing training and linking them with employers to participate in multi-year internships. It was through CareerTrackers that I was able to intern and then gain my role Part-Time in the CSI team!
9.30 AM
Currently, I am documenting my team’s processes for producing research, depending on the different BOQ Group brands. As part of this, I’m looking into what artifacts can be generated to simplify and clarify these procedures. This also involves meeting with relevant stakeholders to ensure I’m accurately documenting best practices from their perspective (it’s also a great way for me to connect with colleagues outside of my direct team.)
I’ve found this is fantastic to truly understand in-depth how many different teams work together daily and contribute to each step in the process, complementing one another’s skills, which is especially for creating research pieces. This collaboration ensures the CSI team can gain valuable insights from customers to improve business practices.
10.45 AM
For a brain break, I take a walk around the office to stretch my legs and refill my water bottle. I do really enjoy the view from the kitchen, the greenery is so nice to see.
10.50 AM
Refreshed, I begin on one of my new tasks – creating a survey specifically designed as a customer experience measurement (CXM) tool for one of BOQ Group’s new apps. The results from this will help the business gain a deeper understanding of our customers and their experiences. As something similar has been generated before (for a different brand), I look at previous questions but adapt them to align with the relevant brand. After finalising the questions and documenting them in the team files, I begin the survey build. My team uses InMoment – which I received external training for as part of my role – to create surveys and assist in generating analysis.
It’s so rewarding knowing the work I complete directly helps my team and will be utilised. Now that the first draft is done, I will get it checked by my manager this afternoon – but first, lunch with the team for ‘Together Tuesday’.
12.00 PM
Because BOQ uses a hybrid model of working in-office and from home, BMC in Brisbane ensures that most people come in on Tuesday to see each other F2F. I think this is great for getting to know not only my direct team but also the surrounding colleagues – it also helps that everyone is incredibly friendly and welcoming!
1.00 PM
After a great team lunch, to ease back into work, I check my emails again to see if anything new has come through. Today, I actually received approval for my Ride the Subway visit. This program allows employees to see how front-line staff interact with customers and find out first-hand what they do, which helps to remember that at the core of our business operations, we are here to support customers. This mindset is especially relevant for my role, which focuses on insights from customer experiences.
Some of my other work involves analysing data and producing presentations to convey the narrative behind the numbers. Contributing to team reports and assisting other team members when they’re at capacity is also something I do regularly. An example of this is the Voice of the Customer report which is dispersed throughout the business to inform other teams in the group what customers are feeling, with an overall goal to help improve the customer experience.
3.15 PM
Later in the afternoon I usually dedicate time to assist a team member by conducting over-the-phone surveys for a specific client base.
4.45 PM
In the last part of my day, I reflect on what I have accomplished, my progress, make a note if anything didn’t get finalised, and plan for tomorrow. Looking in my calendar, I can see we have a Townhall tomorrow afternoon. This is a way for business executives to convey key messages to the entire organisation and network between employees, which should be fun.
5.00 PM
It’s the home time! My commute back begins, I chuck on some music and pull up a book on my phone.
6.00 PM
I greet my family and pets before getting ready for my dance class. I find this is a great way to de-stress and catch up with friends while being lots of fun.
9.30 PM
Now that I’m nice and tired, with my mind reset, I am off to bed. With such a busy day, I am out like a light.
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