Lawyer at Corrs Chambers Westgarth
Bachelor of Laws (Honours)/Bachelor of Commerce at Monash University
6.15 AM
I wake up to my alarm at 6.15 am (ideally hitting snooze no more than once), pull on my running gear and go for my morning run. I’m back in 45 minutes, change, have my brekky and I’m ready to head into work.
8.30 AM
I arrive at work and go straight to the morning learning session, run for the Projects practice group.
9.30 AM
A couple of Projects team members and I venture up to level 26, ‘The Caf’, to grab a coffee. The Caf is Corrs’ in-house café and has loads of bright, airy, open space—great to hang out in! We chat about some of the fun things we did over the weekend—I went hiking in the Grampians—and some of our travel plans.
10.00 AM
A Projects partner and I meet with a Royal Commission client, a member of a hospital board. We get comfortable in one of Corrs’ client conference rooms for a witness interview.
Corrs advises on a few Royal Commissions at the moment. Part of our role is to interview clients and prepare their witness statements. This client was exceptionally interesting and engaging; these interviews are great opportunities to learn about the realities of sectors that I don’t get to work in! Over the next few days, I’ll be drafting the first cut of the client’s witness statement, which will eventually be filed to the Royal Commission.
12.00 PM
I head downstairs to my desk and catch up on some emails. I have a couple of new tasks, but these are lower priority and can wait until later today.
12.30 PM
I call a pro bono client to update her on the progress we have made on her rental arrears matter. Corrs works with a pro bono legal organization that focuses on assisting homeless and at-risk people. I’m glad that junior lawyers are offered opportunities to help out vulnerable clients, alongside our commercial law work.
12.45 PM
It’s lunchtime—today, I meet up with a couple of mates at one of my favourite Lebanese restaurants for some delicious hummus, tabouleh and falafel. So delicious!
2.00 PM
Soon after lunch, I dial into a teleconference with a client to discuss dispute resolution strategy. This matter is a major interstate dispute about whether a construction contract has been completed.
3.00 PM
Following my 2 pm client call, I construct a flowchart in Visio (very useful!) to map out the timeline and key steps in the dispute resolution process we discussed. I also prepare a short summary of that teleconference to ensure that we’re clear about what we’re all doing.
4.00 PM
I join some other lawyers in the kitchen on our floor to snack on some crackers, olives and cheese!
4.15 PM
My manager, a Senior Associate, and I move into a meeting room to chat about a chronology I prepared for a matter which will potentially go to trial. After some workshopping, my manager and I are comfortable with sending it to the client. This will form part of the Statement of Claim.
5.30 PM
I’ve got a couple more emails to work through—a black tea and some chill music assist me nicely!
6.30 PM
I leave the office into a (thankfully) lovely Melbourne evening. I’ve got dinner plans at a Cantonese restaurant in the CBD... very exciting.
9.30 PM
After a short train journey, I’m home—glad to be out of my suit and kicking off my shoes. To unwind, I check some personal emails, Facebook, Instagram and watch some Netflix.
12.30 AM
I’m usually pretty bad at going to sleep at a reasonable hour, and tonight is no different. Good night!