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Department of Defence - Civilian Engineer Development Program (Navy)

  • > 100,000 employees


Bachelor of Engineering (Aerospace Engineering) (Honours) at Monash University

Ingrid studied a Bachelor of Engineering, Hons. (Aerospace) at Monash University and a Certificate in Naval Architecture at Lloyd’s Maritime Academy and is now a Graduate Engineer at the Department of Defence.

6.50 AM

I try to be very efficient in the mornings, so I roll out of bed, shower, get dressed, and have breakfast and the all-important cup of coffee to be out of the door by 0730. I love my commute to work in Canberra as it has great views, or impressive fog in winter. 

8.00 AM

Working within the public service, I have flexible work hours but manage a fairly consistent 8.00 am start each day. When I arrive at work, I check my emails and my calendar to see what I have on for the day. At 9.00 am, I meet with my team to discuss tasking priorities. We are preparing the documentation required for HMAS Supply’s aviation certification in preparation for the first of class flight trials occurring later in the year. 


10.00 AM

After our meeting, I go on the daily coffee run with some members of my team. It is a good opportunity to connect in a more casual setting. As I work primarily with experienced uniformed personnel, I take the time to ask about their journey in Defence and learn how the APS workforce can support and enhance the ADF.

11.00 AM

Accepting a new ship into service has many complexities, and certifying the aviation systems is vital to assure that HMAS Supply is capable of safely supporting an aircraft capability. I am reviewing reports and evidence provided by the shipbuilder against the requirements Defence places on ship-aviation systems integration to ensure these requirements have been met. If there is insufficient evidence, further tests may be necessary before proceeding to flight trials. 

12.30 PM

I have lunch at my desk or with friends in the break room. If the weather is nice, I try and go for a short walk to get outside and stretch my legs. 

1.30 PM

In the afternoon, I will attend various meetings and also take a bit of time to complete some other tasks I have ongoing. I recently completed a familiarisation tour of HMAS Albatross, and am preparing for a progress meeting later in the week from a Defence Innovation Hub proposal that my team sponsors. The Defence Innovation Hub is great for supporting local businesses developing relevant technological solutions for Defence. 

4.30 PM

I usually head home around 4.30 pm. This is a good time for me to call friends or family outside of Canberra and catch up on their lives. It has been challenging to cross borders this year due to COVID, so keeping in touch with phone calls helps me stay close to them. 

6.30 PM

At this time, I usually have dinner. Some weeks, I have a late meeting with BAE Systems in the UK to discuss the requirements for the Hunter Class Frigate aviation systems. If not, I will relax for the evening and read a book or go for a walk around my neighbourhood. I go to bed early so that I am ready for the next day!
