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Tata Consultancy Services Australia and New Zealand

  • > 100,000 employees

Techtalk on Artificial Intelligence

Event expired

Join us for our virtual Techtalk on Artificial Intelligence by our expert-led facilitator Arun Kannan who is part of our Innovation Lab in Australia and New Zealand.

Event Details

Fri 20 Nov 2020, 3:00pm
Fri 20 Nov 2020, 5:00pm
Time Zone
Online via Teams

Join us for our virtual Techtalk on Artificial Intelligence by our expert-led facilitator Arun Kannan who is part of our Innovation Lab in Australia and New Zealand.

Hear how the role of Artificial Intelligence is being used in real-time application for categories such as cognitive automation, cognitive insights, and cognitive engagement.

This will also help to understand the future AI trends in the industry.

Lastly, this session will help you find out more about Tata Consultancy Services, our Graduate and intern opportunities, and CodeVita season 9.