In office once a week. I prefer to work from home so this is good.
Intern, Sydney - 26 Jul 2021
This is dependent on the client you are assigned with. - For me, I am expected to work 7.6 hours a day, excluding breaks (38 hours a week). - A typical work day for me is 9am - 5:30pm, with a 1 hour break. - Overtime can be expected depending on projects and the workload.
Graduate, Sydney - 16 Jul 2021
Very flexible. Outside of meetings you have flexibility in terms of getting things done.
Graduate, Sydney - 14 Jul 2021
Company seems to be very flexible, but I have not tested to see it. There are times when I do work past my time or before my start time, but it's not too intense yet.
Graduate, Sydney - 14 Jul 2021