AMP's graduate program provided us with development workshops that helped develop our skills in excel, coding, as well as current topics such as navigating change and uncertainty, thriving in hybrid environments, etc... There are always opportunities to join a workshop that helps develop our skills.
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Jun 2024
The training and development programs have been meticulously detailed and carefully planned. We have received comprehensive training and skills necessary to grasp various business aspects and values.
Graduate, Sydney - 31 May 2024
There are lots of opportunities for development here. You get access to LinkedIn Learning which can be used both in and outside of work hours. There are also development workshops run internally and externally that you can attend to further your skills.
Graduate, Sydney - 17 May 2024
Training has been very comprehensive with plenty of opportunities to train in formal and informal settings, learning skills that I can apply the my role but also skills that improve my soft skills.
Graduate, Sydney - 17 May 2024
The graduate program offers an incredibly large amount of training and development opportunies, from regular lunch-and-learns, to workshops on topics such as excel and SQL.
Graduate, Sydney - 03 May 2021
Lots of informal, career development as part of the grad program, worked with 10,000 hours on HBDI profiles and how this impacts on the way we work, also undertake a graduate group project within the business to build our networks and presentation skills.
Graduate, Sydney - 03 May 2021
3 Day intensive onboarding where we got to meet with all grads and get to know them well on top of our introduction to the company.
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Apr 2021
The grad program has lots of development initiatives that we're involved in
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Apr 2021
Formal training is available but not pushed by management and informal training is team specific.
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Apr 2021
Grad program really supports professional development, this training really varies in quality though. Nonetheless, I still feel like I have learnt a lot.
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Apr 2021
The grad program specifically includes a number of training events and personal development sessions which are extremely beneficial. This includes excel workshops, personality profile testing etc.
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Apr 2021
Inductions are completed, however formal training is not immediately available.
Graduate, Sydney - 29 Apr 2021
The AMP grad program has some seriously strong training and development programs built in. We have externally run induction workshops that are fun and insightful, Lunch&learn sessions every week about various aspect of the business, weekly physical activities for the cohort, and more! Lost track of how much development opportunity there is with the grad program and can't imaging attending every single one! Variety, quality and quantity.
Graduate, Sydney - 29 Apr 2021
As a grad we complete a 1.5 year development and training program. This is focussed on personal and professional development opportunities.
Graduate, Sydney - 29 Apr 2021