Very flexible hybrid working environment, the expectation is working in office 8 days per month. You are responsible for your own time and hours.
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Jun 2024
AMP provides flexible working hours when necessary, and a hybrid working model is also in place, which is beneficial for maintaining a work-life balance.
Graduate, Sydney - 31 May 2024
They have been good, other than recently where one of the Graduate programs projects deadlines have been quite unrealistic.
Graduate, Sydney - 20 May 2024
AMP has an amazing flexibility policy, they understand the environment employees find themselves in and promote both a flexibility in where to work, but also ensure collaboration is still maintained across the company.
The flexibility policy is a major value addition when looking at potential employers
Graduate, Sydney - 17 May 2024
It depends on the team but usually it's pretty flexible. The responsibility is put on the individual to manage their time and work, and to communicate as needed around that.
Graduate, Sydney - 17 May 2024
The company has a flexible working policy, allowing you to work from home or office as much as desired. We have team days where the whole team is encouraged to go in together, but it is all optional.
Graduate, Sydney - 03 May 2021
Extremely flexible, usually come in 3 days a week, but this can change depending on personal commitments, workload etc.
Graduate, Sydney - 03 May 2021
Extremely flexible. Negotiated with line manager.
Graduate, Sydney - 03 May 2021
Incredibly flexible
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Apr 2021
8 hour work days, 5 days a week. The company doesn't really care what time you log on/log off as long as you get your work done
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Apr 2021
Very flexible.
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Apr 2021
The company is very flexible regarding work hours. They encourage everyone to finish by 530pm.
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Apr 2021
Very flexible - almost too flexible. Easy with WFH arrangements also.
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Apr 2021
My manager lets me decide when I WFH and when I come into the office, sometimes I decide on the day and I find this works really well for me.
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Apr 2021
The work hours are very acceptable and at the end of the day the work hours are dicated by the work that you have to complete. There is no obligation or requirement for you to work extra hours as long as you are getting done what you need to get done.
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Apr 2021
The teams are very flexible and you are responsible for your own time and work management from day one.
Graduate, Sydney - 29 Apr 2021
Hours can be long at times although as a grad, it is almost entirely up to you how much work to take on. Those with an appetite for bigger workloads can definitely have this, those who want to stay consistent and steady also have this option. The company is very flexible with hours, particularly after COVID and the transition to working from home.
Graduate, Sydney - 29 Apr 2021
My company is very flexible - there is no requirement to go into the office. However, as a team function very well when we do spend team days in the office together.
Graduate, Sydney - 29 Apr 2021