Gender Equality at Baker McKenzie
The Firm established its BakerWomen program in late 2011 in recognition of the under-representation of women at senior levels of the Firm and the need to do more to retain, support, and develop the Firm's female talent.
BakerWomen is focused on supporting women at all stages of their professional careers by:
- engaging with management to effect changes to the Firm's culture, processes and procedures to maximise the opportunities for our women to succeed;
- ensuring our women have equal opportunities to engage with clients and access to high-quality work;
- providing sponsorship and mentoring opportunities;
- providing access to role models and support forums; and
- providing opportunities to engage with and hear from successful women and men on their career paths.
BakerWomen has been actively involved in initiatives around equitable briefing of women barristers, inviting high-profile women speakers to talk about their experiences in the legal profession, and supporting our Global Aspirational Targets to increase the number of women principals and partners.