Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders at Healthcare Australia
Healthcare Australia (HCA) is dedicated to building enduring and supportive relationships with Indigenous communities and to fostering employment and business opportunities for Indigenous Australians. HCA acknowledges Traditional Owners, their heritage, customs, culture and connection to land.
Through its Indigenous Engagement Plan, HCA seeks to achieve successful Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander engagement and retention in a way that develops and supports the needs of the community and Aboriginal /Torres Strait Islander groups.
- HCA complies with the Australian Government Indigenous Training, Employment and Supplier Plan.
- HCA’s Indigenous Engagement Plan objectives are:
- To provide strategic and long-term employment and retention of Indigenous Australians;
- To facilitate broad based strategies to ensure sustainability of the programme;
- To contribute to Traditional Owners economic success through business partnerships and increased procurement opportunities and;
- Deliver on Corporate Social Responsibility.
- In essence, HCA’s Indigenous Engagement Plan underpins the value in attracting, recruiting and the retention of Indigenous employees; supporting and mentoring Indigenous employees; and working with Indigenous communities in the regions within which HCA operates.
- HCA engages Indigenous Engagement Coordinators in regions all over Australia to ensure effective delivery of the Indigenous Engagement Plan.
- HCA works with Job Service Australia, Training bodies and Traditional Owner Groups to increase the number of employees of Indigenous descent.
- HCA has developed relationships with Generation One, Vocational Training and Engagement Centres (VTEC) and Reconciliation Australia to further assist improved employment and retention outcomes for Indigenous Australians.
- During recruitment/onboarding, all new employees are asked if they identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander to identify those in the workforce who may be interested in participating or engaging in HCA projects/initiatives that help to further develop and support local Indigenous communities.