Specialisterne Australia assist organisations in recruiting and supporting people on the autism spectrum. We recognise that autistic individuals offer a range of skills that can be of benefit to any job. We also recognise that the traditional recruitment process disadvantages those on the autism spectrum.
We work with companies seeking to diversify their workforce, and help to find talented autistic staff members looking for a career in that area, for mutually beneficial outcomes. We use a unique process to assess potential employees that aims to remove the barriers experienced by autistic adults in the traditional recruitment process. We then work to support the individual and employee in their transition, and build the capacity of the employer to support their autistic staff members. We help managers to understand the unique strengths of their employee/s on the spectrum, and implement strategies to help them thrive in the workplace.
We work with a range of organisations to assist in the recruitment of a range of positions (with individuals of all ages). So far, we have helped to recruit employees in roles in information technology, records management, agriculture, and engineering. We are just getting started, and look forward to expanding the list of industries in which we work.