Updating Results

Stantec Australia

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Stantec Australia Graduate Stories

  • Graduate stories

Julian Lam

Structural Engineer at Stantec Australia

Bachelor of Engineering Honours at Monash University

  • Graduate stories

Chris Butson

Graduate Process Engineer at Stantec Australia

Bachelor of Engineering Honours at University of Sydney (USYD)

  • Graduate stories

Tiffany Cao

Graduate Civil Engineer at Stantec Australia

Bachelor of Civil Engineering at University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)

  • Graduate stories

Abbass Kak

Graduate Transportation Engineer at Stantec Australia

Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours) at Monash University

  • Graduate stories

Ethan Zeelie

Graduate Civil Engineer at Stantec Australia

Bachelor of Civil Engineering at The University of Queensland (UQ)

  • Graduate stories

Tanah Velterop

Graduate GIS Analyst at Stantec Australia

Bachelor of Arts - Geography Major at The University of Western Australia (UWA)

  • Graduate stories

Cameron Steel

Transportation Engineer at Stantec Australia

Bachelor of Engineering Honours at Curtin University

  • Graduate stories

Elise Hor

Graduate Mechanical Engineer at Stantec Australia

Bachelor of Engineering Honours at La Trobe University

  • Graduate stories

Mitchell Blundell

Civil Engineer Graduate at Stantec Australia

Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours) at University of the Sunshine Coast (USC)