Although the pay is not my main priority, it is very reasonable.
Intern, Sydney - 18 Jul 2024
I understand that this is an entry level position and as such the pay is proportionate to that. However with the cost of living increases and me being completely independent and out of home in Sydney I would like to be earning more. I am hoping that next year with whatever role I am in I would be earning more. I have spoken informally with one rotation manager about returning next year and what pay would look like and it did seem appealing and appropriate for what I think I am 'worth' in my position. At the end of the day, higher pay attracts more talent and attention from the public. So next year when you are hiring more grads if you adjust the salary, you would find more people applying. But again, this is a position with someone with little to no experience in the industry, so it is hard to justify an attractive to very attractive starting salary for that person from a human resources / FTE cost perspective.
Graduate, Sydney - 08 Jul 2024
I believe my pay is pretty standard.
Graduate, Sydney - 10 Apr 2023
The remuneration and bonuses aligns well with the responsibilities and expectations of the role.
Graduate, Sydney - 10 Apr 2023