Updating Results

Aurecon Australia

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Aurecon Australia Reviews

Based on 38 surveyed graduates working at Aurecon Australia. Read on to get an insider’s view on life as a graduate.
Based on 38 reviews

Pros & Cons

  • Great exposure to major design projects. Good team to work with. Technical training through internal knowledge share and daily works
  • Company culture is focused on employees, my line manager genuinely cares and works hard to make sure all of us are fairly compensated and recognised. My mentors and experienced engineers in the team always take time to explain things and help graduates and less experienced engineers learn.
  • Aurecon has an incredibly accommodating workplace, especially for someone with disability like me. I have found the culture to be so healthy and safe. I also love how much gender balance there is here.
  • Flexible working options, good team culture, interesting and varied work
  • Wide range of different jobs from different industries allowing me to gain a lot of experience in a very short amount of time
  • Lack of visibility on senior decision making process
  • There is no formal rotation for grads, so wanting to try out what different teams do can be a challenge.
  • The workload can sometimes be intense and stressful to manage
  • Connectivity between upper and lower levels
  • Can be prone to working long hours

What Insiders Say

Career Prospects
Career Prospects
Aurecon has a web based structure which means regardless of background being promoted and accelerating your career is possible. It also allows for lateral movement if you desire to try something new.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility
CSR is an important aspect of Aurecon and I believe that we have various programmes which support this. Aurecon has a strategy in place to meet CSR goals. One of Aurecon's key Principles is 'Create a legacy'. I know that Aurecon works with clients who share similar goals, we deliver world-class projects and solutions which enhance our environment, build stronger communities, raise living standards and create vibrant and sustainable economies.
Office culture is very good, we all hunker down when required and get coffees/lunches together. Managers are part of the team and participate in the group activities and are available to talk to. After hours is also very good with regular team events
Yes, there is great diversity at Aurecon. We have diversity and inclusion committees which I think is helping to drive more diversity at the firm. I have definitely also seen some of the great diversity initiatives at Aurecon. I love that there are regular events to celebrate the various diverse groups at Aurecon and while not part of these programmes myself, I know that Aurecon has development programmes specifically for women to help with nurturing more women to be the future leaders of Aurecon.
Wide variety of jobs depending on what needs to be done on that day. Daily role is to work on different jobs for different clients, which includes writing reports, visiting sites, meeting with clients, having internal team meetings to discuss resourcing etc.
My immediate manager is extremely supportive and works hard to give all of us the feedback, praise and recognition we deserve. He is very accessible. Management generally appears to follow this approach.
Office Work Environment
Office Work Environment
The office dress code could be described as smart casual, but it's not prescribed anywhere. Each office probably has it's own regional norms, but 'neat and tidy' would be a good descriptor. We recognise the importance of people bringing their 'whole selves' to work. The facilities are what you'd expect of an engineering office.
The interview was fairly informal and relaxed. There were two interviews for me, this was so that they could meet their policy of having at least one woman and one man on every assessment panel. My panel comprised the HR person who'd reached out to me, my line manager and my office manager. There was no assessments.
Aurecon reviews its pay regularly. Employees pay are reviewed every year during evaluation however can also be reviewed at any time. Aurecon also shares profits in terms of bonuses to employees.
My mentors are always available for informal training as I approach new tasks on projects. We also have a good formal training program, there are always training webinars on a broad range of topics offered from people across the company and there is budget available to pursue external training if you want to suggest something you think would have value for you and the team.
Work Hours
Work Hours
Our Ways of Working policy allows each employee to discover the right balance of working remotely and working in the office for them. Flexibility is the policy, it just requires open communication with your line manager/team. The priority is meeting project requirements, however, where-ever and whenever that happens.
There are heaps of efforts from Aurecon to reduce overall environmental footprint. I'm sure there is heaps of things going on in the background in this area in relation to which clients we partner with. On the office front, I know that in Melbourne there is an initiative to help us recycle soft plastics, filtered water to encourage us to bring reusable bottles etc.