Updating Results

Essential Energy

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Gender Equality at Essential Energy

Essential Energy is committed to developing equal opportunities for females within the organisation, with a specific focus on improving female representation in non-traditional and leadership roles.

Our commitment to gender equity is reflected in key programs and partnerships aimed to ensure a meaningful career opportunities and long-term growth.

  • Family Friendly Workplace: Flexible work policies, parental leave, and wellbeing initiatives.
  • Work180 Endorsed Employer: Commitment to gender equity and inclusive recruitment.
  • Menopause Friendly Workplace: Focus on employee wellbeing and career longevity.
  • Women from the Field Program: Career growth for women in operational roles.
  • Gender Working Group: Promotes gender equity through events like White Ribbon Day and International Women’s Day

At Essential Energy, we ensure every individual has the opportunity to succeed.