My managers are great on all fronts. Only issue is my team has been restructuring a lot so my line managers have changed.
Graduate, Brisbane - 11 Sep 2023
Managers are extremely accessible and very communicative.
Graduate, Brisbane - 11 Sep 2023
The most accessible of any company I've worked for, very personable and make time to interact with young professionals (such as graduates).
Graduate, Perth - 11 Sep 2023
Willing to give feedback when asked. Even though they are extremely busy they always seem to manage to make time for me
Graduate, Perth - 13 Jul 2015
Varies from individual to individual. For the best part management are very accessible and happy to assist and be a part of employee's development. As is the case with most things within the company though, don't expect your hand to be held, you need to ask. My manager provides fantastic feedback on my performance, both strengths and development areas
Graduate, Perth - 13 Jul 2015
They are approachable though some of them don't look like they are. But when you actually speak to them, they are really nice.
Graduate, Assen - 13 Jul 2015
Managers are very open, willing to make time to talk, will guide a young graduate in what they see as the right direction, provide advice without an agenda, listen to your concerns, and provide due recognition and feedback on performance.
Graduate, Perth - 13 Jul 2015
Shell has a very open and inclusive work environment. Senior management is never far away and I feel like they are interested and involved in my development.
Graduate, Perth - 13 Jul 2015
Varies from individual to individual. For the best part management are very accessible and happy to assist and be a part of employees development. As is the case with most things within the company though, don't expect your hand to be held, you need to ask. My manager provides fantastic feedback on my performance, both strenghts and development areas
Graduate, Perth - 20 Nov 2014
Managers are accessible and would serve as good mentors if approached.
Graduate, Geoje - 19 Nov 2014
Remarkably well for a very large company. Employees would always like to be better heard, however I think the company does an amazing job at allowing managers to communicate with employees.
Graduate, Goeje - 13 Nov 2014
Managers are very open, willing to make time to talk, will guide a young graduate in what they see as the right direction, provide advice without an agenda, listen to your concerns, and provide due recognition and feedback on performance.
Graduate, Perth - 12 Nov 2014
willing to give feedback when asked.even though they are extremely busy they always seem to manage to make time for me
Graduate, Perth - 11 Nov 2014
They are approachable though some of them don't look like they are. But when you actually speak to them, they are really nice.
Graduate, Assen - 11 Nov 2014
Some yes others not - lack of feedback
Intern, Perth - 11 Nov 2014
Shell has a very open and inclusive work environment. Senior management is never far away and I feel like they are interested and involved in my development.
Graduate, Perth - 11 Nov 2014