Updating Results


  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Disability Support at Shell

At Shell, we recognise people for their talents, understanding that people with disabilities have unique strengths that we can learn from and leverage to move the company forward

Shell Australia Supports PWDs and Caregivers via enABLE 

To support our employees with disabilities and their caregivers, the enABLE Network—providing people with disabilities or people whose lives have been touched by those with disabilities, an open forum to engage and share experiences. Through this open discussion, the network raises awareness and understanding of the challenges faced so that line managers and colleagues have the knowledge to support those with disabilities to thrive in the workplace. It allows employees with disabilities the opportunity to improve the work environment to make it more inclusive for all. 

At Shell, we recognise people for their talents, understanding that people with disabilities have unique strengths that we can learn from and leverage to move the company forward. We understand that innovation requires diverse perspectives and that we need different kinds of thinking to thrive as an organisation and reach our goals.